Birthday wishes for grandmother

Happy birthday messages to Grandma should be extremely special. Our Grandma is our second mother and we should feel very grateful for her.

They play an important role in the family particularly these days, when both parents are very busy.

We ought to honor our grandmas in a special way and in their birthdays we have a unique opportunity to do it. You could also check birthday surprise ideas

Pick one really sweet and touching birthday wish for your Grandma and make her feel special, happy and proud of their grandchildren.

 Love and happiness to the woman who gave me great attention and many warm hugs all these years. Happy loving birthday!

I am very proud of you Grandma. Your kindness, love and wisdom are the things I wish to inherit from you. Happy and warm birthday.

When I needed you were always there to help me. When I was crying, you had always a warm hug for me. Happy birthday Grandma, I will always have a warm hug for you too!

You are the best Grandma in the world. If I had a chance to choose a new grandmother, I would choose you again! Happy and warm birthday!

When I realized that it was your birthday, Grandma, I was shocked! The number of years you have accumulated left me speechless! Happy Birthday, oldie!

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